Let's Preserve the Sea of Marmara

with the Blue-Green Future!

With your collective wisdom and experiences, we invite you to be the voice of the land, water, air, and creatures for the Sea of Marmara.
Let's sustain Marmara together!

Caddebostan Musilaj

What is the Blue-Green Future: Marmara?

Blue-Green Future: Marmara is a solution-oriented initiative born in 2021 as a visible consequence of the mucilage appearing in many places due to Marmara Sea pollution.

Our concern with the Blue-Green Transformation represents steps taken in the areas of environmental sustainability and the preservation of water resources.

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Why Marmara Sea
And Mucilage?

Mucilage or sea saliva, although it appeared as a foam-like phenomenon covering the surface of the Sea of Marmara in the spring months of 2021, is actually a fundamental problem that leads to an ecological disaster.

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What Is My Impact?

Marmara Sea pollution is not a problem that has emerged in the past few years. The visible manifestation of this long-standing issue is the mucilage.

İlham Verenler
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Inspiring Projects Of Us

Our main goal is to ensure the economic, cultural, social, and environmental sustainability of the Sea of Marmara for ourselves and other species.

Let's sustain Marmara together!